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acid rain
Acids form when certain atmospheric gases
(primarily carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides) come in contact with water
in the atmosphere or on the ground and are chemically converted to acidic substances.
Oxidants play a major role in several of these acid-forming processes. Carbon dioxide
dissolved in rain is converted to a weak acid (carbonic acid). Other gases, primarily
oxides of sulfur and nitrogen, are converted to strong acids (sulfuric and nitric acids).
Although rain is naturally slightly acidic because of carbon dioxide,
natural emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides, and certain organic acids, human
activities can make it much more acidic. Occasional pH readings of well below 2.4 (the
acidity of vinegar) have been reported in industrialized areas.
The principal natural phenomena that contribute
acid-producing gases to the atmosphere are emissions from volcanoes and from biological
processes that occur on the land, in wetlands, and in the oceans. The effects of acidic
deposits have been detected in glacial ice thousands of years old in remote parts of the
globe. Principal human sources are industrial and power-generating plants and
transportation vehicles. The gases may be carried hundreds of miles in the atmosphere
before they are converted to acids and deposited.
Since the industrial revolution, emissions of sulfur and
nitrogen oxides to the atmosphere have increased. Industrial and energy-generating
facilities that burn fossil fuels, primarily coal, are the principal sources of increased
sulfur oxides. These sources, plus the transportation sector, are the major originators of
increased nitrogen oxides.
The problem of acid rain not only has increased with
population and industrial growth, it has become more widespread. The use of tall
smokestacks to reduce local pollution has contributed to the spread of acid rain by
releasing gases into regional atmospheric circulation. The same remote glaciers that
provide evidence of natural variability in acidic deposition show, in their more recently
formed layers, the increased deposition caused by human activity during the past half
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air pollution
The existence in the air of substances in
concentrations that are determined unacceptable. Contaminants in the air we breathe come
mainly from manufacturing industries, electric power plants, automobiles, buses, and
Top |
Layer of water-bearing permeable rock, sand, or
gravel capable of providing significant amounts of water. To Top |
The air surrounding the Earth, described as a
series of shells or layers of different characteristics. The atmosphere, composed mainly
of nitrogen and oxygen with traces of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and other gases, acts
as a buffer between Earth and the sun. The layers, troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere,
thermosphere, and the exosphere, vary around the globe and in response to seasonal
changes. Troposphere stems from the Greek word
tropos, which means turning or mixing. The troposphere is the lowest layer of the Earth's
atmosphere, extending to a height of 8-15 km, depending on latitude. This region,
constantly in motion, is the most dense layer of the atmosphere and the region that
essentially contains all of Earth's weather. Molecules of nitrogen and oxygen compose the
bulk of the troposphere.
The tropopause marks the limit of the troposphere and the
beginning of the stratosphere. The temperature above the tropopause increases slowly with
height up to about 50 km.
The stratosphere and stratopause stretch above the
troposphere to a height of 50 km. It is a region of intense interactions among radiative,
dynamical, and chemical processes, in which horizontal mixing of gaseous components
proceeds much more rapidly that vertical mixing. The stratosphere is warmer than the upper
troposphere, primarily because of a stratospheric ozone layer that absorbs solar
ultraviolet energy.
The mesosphere, 50 to 80 km above the Earth, has diminished
ozone concentration and radiative cooling becomes relatively more important. The
temperature begins to decline again (as it does in the troposphere) with altitude.
Temperatures in the upper mesosphere fall to -70 degrees to -140 degrees Celsius,
depending upon latitude and season. Millions of meteors burn up daily in the mesosphere as
a result of collisions with some of the billions of gas particles contained in that layer.
The collisions create enough heat to burn the falling objects long before they reach the
The stratosphere and mesosphere are referred to as the
middle atmosphere. The mesopause, at an altitude of about 80 km, separates the mesosphere
from the thermosphere--the outermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere.
The thermosphere, from the Greek thermo for heat, begins
about 80 km above the Earth. At these high altitudes, the residual atmospheric gases sort
into strata according to molecular mass. Thermospheric temperatures increase with altitude
due to absorption of highly energetic solar radiation by the small amount of residual
oxygen still present. Temperatures can rise to 2,000 degrees C. Radiation causes the
scattered air particles in this layer to become charged electrically, enabling radio waves
to bounce off and be received beyond the horizon. At the exosphere, beginning at 500 to
1,000 km above the Earth's surface, the atmosphere blends into space. The few particles of
gas here can reach 4,500 degrees F (2,500 degrees C) during the day.
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b |
Well-defined terrestrial environment (e.g.,
desert, tundra, or tropical forest). The complex of living organisms found in an
ecological region.
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Part of the Earth system in which life can
exist, between the outer portion of the geosphere and the inner portion of the atmosphere.
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The plant and animal life of a region or area.
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c |
carbon dioxide
A minor but very important component of the
atmosphere, carbon dioxide traps infrared radiation. Atmospheric CO2 has
increased about 25 percent since the early 1800s, with an estimated increase of 10 percent
since 1958 (burning fossil fuels is the leading cause of increased CO2,
deforestation the second major cause). The increased amounts of CO2 in the
atmosphere enhance the greenhouse effect, blocking heat from escaping into space and
contributing to the warming of Earth's lower atmosphere. To Top |
chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)
A family of compounds of chlorine, fluorine,
and carbon, entirely of industrial origin. CFCs include refrigerants, propellants for
spray cans (this usage is banned in the U.S., although some other countries permit it) and
for blowing plastic-foam insulation, styrofoam packaging, and solvents for cleaning
electronic circuit boards. The compounds' lifetimes vary over a wide range, exceeding 100
years in some cases. CFCs' ability to destroy
stratospheric ozone through catalytic cycles is contributing to the depletion of ozone
worldwide. Because CFCs are such stable molecules, they do not react easily with other
chemicals in the lower atmosphere. One of the few forces that can break up CFC molecules
is ultraviolet radiation, however the ozone layer protects the CFCs from ultraviolet
radiation in the lower atmosphere. CFC molecules are then able to migrate intact into the
stratosphere, where the molecules are bombarded by ultraviolet rays, causing the CFCs to
break up and release their chlorine atoms. The released chlorine atoms participate in
ozone destruction, with a single atom of chlorine able to destroy ozone molecules over and
over again.
International attention to CFCs resulted in a meeting of
diplomats from around the world in Montreal in 1987. They forged a treaty that called for
drastic reductions in the production of CFCs. In 1990, diplomats met in London and voted
to significantly strengthen the Montreal Protocol by calling for a complete elimination of
CFCs by the year 2000.
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d |
Those practices or processes that result in the
change of forested lands to non-forest uses. This is often cited as one of the major
causes of the enhanced greenhouse effect for two reasons: 1) the burning or decomposition
of the wood releases carbon dioxide; and 2) trees that once removed carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere in the process of photosynthesis are no longer present and contributing to
carbon storage. To Top |
Desert biomes are the driest of
all the biomes. In fact, the most important characteristic of a desert is
that it receives very little rainfall. Most deserts receive less than 300 mm
a year compared to rainforests, which receive over 2,000 mm. That means that
the desert only gets 10 percent of the rain that a rainforest gets! The
temperature in the desert can change drastically from day to night because
the air is so dry that heat escapes rapidly at night. The daytime
temperature averages 38°C while in some deserts it can get down to -4°C at
night. The temperature also varies greatly depending on the location of the
Since desert conditions are so severe, the
plants that live there need to have adaptations to compensate for the lack
of water. Some plants, such as cacti, store water in their stems and use it
very slowly, while others like bushes conserve water by growing few leaves
or by having large root systems to gather water or few leaves. Some desert
plant species have a short life cycle of a few weeks that lasts only during
periods of rain.
This definition is from
NASA's Earth Observatory site: http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Laboratory/Biome/biodesert.html
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The man-made or natural formation of desert
from usable land. To Top
e |
Science dealing with the interrelationships
between living organisms and their environments. To Top |
Any natural unit or entity including living and
non-living parts that interact to produce a stable system through cyclic exchange of
materials. To Top |
El Niņo
A warming of the surface waters of the eastern
equatorial Pacific that occurs at irregular intervals of 2-7 years, usually lasting 1-2
years. Along the west coast of South America, southerly winds promote the upwelling of
cold, nutrient-rich water that sustains large fish populations, that sustain abundant sea
birds, whose droppings support the fertilizer industry. Near the end of each calendar
year, a warm current of nutrient-pool tropical water replaces the cold, nutrient-rich
surface water. Because this condition often occurs around Christmas, it was named El Niņo
(Spanish for boy child, referring to the Christ child). In most years the warming last
only a few weeks or a month, after which the weather patterns return to normal and fishing
improves. However, when El Niņo conditions last for many months, more extensive ocean
warming occurs and economic results can be disastrous. El Niņo has been linked to wetter,
colder winters in the United States; drier, hotter summers in South America and Europe;
and drought in Africa. To Top |
The complex of physical, chemical, and
biological factors in which a living organism or community exists. To Top
f |
food chain
A sequence of organisms, each of which uses the
next lower member of the sequence as a food source. To Top |
fossil fuel
Any hydrocarbon deposit that can be burned for
heat or power, such as petroleum, coal, and natural gas. To Top
g |
Gaia hypothesis
The hypothesis that the Earth's atmosphere,
biosphere, and its living organisms behave as a single system striving to maintain a
stability that is conductive to the existence of life. To Top |
geosphere |
The physical elements of the Earth's surface
crust, and interior. To Top |
A multi-year surplus accumulation of snowfall
in excess of snowmelt on land and resulting in a mass of ice at least 0.1 km2 in area that
shows some evidence of movement in response to gravity. A glacier may terminate on land or
in water. Glacier ice is the largest reservoir of fresh water on Earth, and second only to
the oceans as the largest reservoir of total water. Glaciers are found on every continent
except Australia. To Top |
Global Change Research Program
The USGCRP is a government-wide program whose
goal is 'to establish a scientific basis for national and international policy-making
relating to natural and human-induced changes in the global Earth system.' The Earth
Science Enterprise is NASA's central contribution to the U.S. Global Change Research
Program. The Global Change Research Program
coordinates and guides the efforts of federal agencies. The program examines such
questions as, is the Earth experiencing global warming? Is the depletion of the ozone
layer expanding? How do we determine and understand the causes of global climate changes?
Are they reversible? What are the implications for human needs and activities?
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global warming
An increase in the near surface temperature of
the Earth. Global warming has occurred in the distant past as the result of natural
influences, but the term is most often used to refer to the warming predicted to occur as
a result of increased emissions of greenhouse gases. Scientists generally agree that the
Earth's surface has warmed by about 1 degree Fahrenheit in the past 140 years. The
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently concluded that increased
concentrations of greenhouse gases are causing an increase in the Earth's surface
temperature and that increased concentrations of sulfate aerosols have led to relative
cooling in some regions, generally over and downwind of heavily industrialized areas.
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greenhouse effect
The warming of an atmosphere by its absorbing
and reemitting infrared radiation while allowing shortwave radiation to pass on through.
Certain gaseous components of the atmosphere, called greenhouse
gases, transmit the visible portion of solar radiation but absorb specific spectral bands
of thermal radiation emitted by the Earth. The theory is that terrain absorbs radiation,
heats up, and emits longer wavelength thermal radiation that is prevented from escaping
into space by the blanket of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
As a result, the climate warms. Because atmospheric and oceanic circulations play a
central role in the climate of the Earth, improving our knowledge about their interaction
becomes essential.
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greenhouse gas
A gaseous component of the atmosphere
contributing to the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases are transparent to certain
wavelengths of the sun's radiant energy, allowing them to penetrate deep into the
atmosphere or all the way into the Earth's surface. Greenhouse gases and clouds prevent
some of infrared radiation from escaping, trapping the heat near the Earth's surface where
it warms the lower atmosphere. Alteration of this natural barrier of atmospheric gases can
raise or lower the mean global temperature of the Earth.
Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide,
chlorofluorocarbons, and water vapor. Carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide have
significant natural and human sources while only industries produce chlorofluorocarbons.
Water vapor has the largest greenhouse effect, but its concentration in the troposphere is
determined within the climate system. Water vapor will increase in response to global
warming, which in turn may further enhance global warming.
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h |
The area or region where a particular type of
plant or animal lives and grows. To Top |
Half of the Earth, usually conceived as
resulting from the division of the globe into two equal parts, north and south or east and
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Severe tropical storms whose winds exceed 74
mph. Hurricanes originate over the tropical and subtropical North Atlantic and North
Pacific oceans, where there is high humidity and light wind. These conditions prevail
mostly in the summer and early fall. Since hurricanes can take days or even weeks to form,
time is usually available for preventive or protective measures.
From space, hurricanes look like giant pinwheels, their winds
circulating around an eye that is between 5 and 25 miles in diameter. The eye remains calm
with light winds and often a clear sky.
Hurricanes may move as fast as 50 mph, and can become
incredibly destructive when they hit land. Although hurricanes lose power rapidly as soon
as they leave the ocean, they can cause high waves and tides up to 25 feet above normal.
Waves and heavy flooding cause the most deaths during a hurricane. The strongest
hurricanes can cause tornadoes.
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The totality of water encompassing the Earth,
comprising all the bodies of water, ice, and water vapor in the atmosphere. To Top
i |
infrared radiation (IR)
Infrared is electromagnetic radiation whose
wavelength spans the region from about 0.7 to 1000 micrometers (longer than visible
radiation, shorter than microwave radiation). Remote sensing instruments work by sensing
radiation that is naturally emitted or reflected by the Earth's surface or from the
atmosphere, or by sensing signals transmitted from a satellite and reflected back to it.
In the visible and near-infrared regions, surface chemical composition, vegetation cover,
and biological properties of surface matter can be measured. In the mid-infrared region,
geological formations can be detected due to the absorption properties related to the
structure of silicates. In the far infrared, emissions from the Earth's atmosphere and
surface offer information about atmospheric and surface temperatures and water vapor and
other trace constituents in the atmosphere. Since IR data are based on temperatures rather
than visible radiation, the data may be obtained day or night. To Top
j |
jet stream
Rivers of high-speed air in the atmosphere. Jet
streams form along the boundaries of global air masses where there is a significant
difference in atmospheric temperature. The jet streams may be several hundred miles across
and 1-2 miles deep at an altitude of 8-12 miles. They generally move west to east, and are
strongest in the winter with core wind speeds as high as 250 mph. Changes in the jet
stream indicate changes in the motion of the atmosphere and weather.
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Joint Education
Initiative (JEI)
The JEI project was developed by USGS, NOAA,
NASA, industry, and teachers to enable teachers and students to explore the massive
quantities of Earth science data published by the U.S. Government on CD-ROM. JEI
encourages a research and analysis approach to science education. To Top
k |
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l |
A discharge of atmospheric electricity
accompanied by a vivid flash of light. During thunderstorms, static electricity builds up
within the clouds. A positive charge builds in the upper part of the cloud, while a large
negative charge builds in the lower portion. When the difference between the positive and
negative charges becomes great, the electrical charge jumps from one area to another,
creating a lightning bolt. Most lightning bolts strike from one cloud to another, but they
also can strike the ground. These bolts occur when positive charges build up on the
ground. A negative charge called the 'faintly luminous streamer' or 'leader' flows from
the cloud toward the ground. Then a positively charged leader, called the return stroke,
leaves the ground and runs into the cloud. What is seen as a lightning bolt is actually a
series of downward-striking leaders and upward-striking return strokes, all taking place
in less than a second. To Top |
The component of the Earth's surface comprising
the rock, soil, and sediments. It is a relatively passive component of the climate system,
and its physical characteristics are treated as fixed elements in the determination of
m |
Study of the atmosphere and its phenomena.
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Methane (CH4)
A hydrocarbon that is a greenhouse gas. Methane
is produced through anaerobic (without oxygen) decomposition of waste in landfills, animal
digestion, decomposition of animal wastes, production and distribution of natural gas and
oil, coal production , and incomplete fossil fuel combustion. The atmospheric
concentration of methane has been shown to be increasing at a rate of about 0.6% per year
and the concentration of about 1.7 parts per million by volume (ppmv) is more than twice
its preindustrial value. However, the rate of increase of methane in the atmosphere may be
stabilizing. To Top |
A name for seasonal winds, first applied to the
winds over the Arabian Sea that blow for six months from the northeast and for six months
from the southwest. The term has been extended to similar winds in other parts of the
world (i.e., the prevailing west to northwest winds of summer in Europe have been called
the European monsoon). The primary cause for these seasonal winds is the much greater
annual variation of temperature over large land areas compared with neighboring ocean
surfaces, causing an excess of pressure over the continents in winter and a deficit in
summer, but other factors, such as topography of the land, also have an effect. The
monsoons are strongest in the southern and eastern sides of Asia, but also occur along the
coasts of tropical regions wherever the planetary circulation is not strong enough to
inhibit them. The monsoon climate can be described as a long winter-spring dry season,
which includes a cold season followed by a short hot season just preceding the rains; a
summer and early autumn rainy season, which is generally very wet but may vary greatly
from year to year; and a secondary warming immediately after the rainy season.
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Mount Pinatubo
A volcano in the Philippine Islands that
erupted in 1991. The eruption of Mount Pinatubo ejected enough particulate and sulfate
aerosol matter into the atmosphere to block some of the incoming solar radiation from
reaching Earth's atmosphere. This effectively cooled the planet from 1992 to 1994, masking
the warming that had been occurring for most of the 1980s and 1990s. To Top
n |
nitrogen oxides (NOx)
Gases consisting of one molecule of nitrogen
and varying numbers of oxygen molecules. Nitrogen oxides are produced in the emissions of
vehicle exhausts and from power stations. In the atmosphere, nitrogen oxides can
contribute to formation of photochemical ozone (smog), can impair visibility, and have
health consequences; they are thus considered pollutants. To Top |
nitrous oxide (N2O)
A powerful greenhouse gas with a global warming
potential of 320. Major sources of nitrous oxide include soil cultivation practices,
especially the use of commercial and organic fertilizers, fossil fuel combustion, nitric
acid production, and biomass burning.
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o |
An almost colorless, gaseous form of oxygen
with an odor similar to weak chlorine. A relatively unstable compound of three atoms of
oxygen, ozone constitutes--on the average--less than one part per million (ppm) of the
gases in the atmosphere (peak ozone concentration in the stratosphere can get as high as
10 ppm). Yet ozone in the stratosphere absorbs nearly all of the biologically damaging
solar ultraviolet radiation before it reaches the Earth's surface where it can cause skin
cancer, cataracts, and immune deficiencies, and can harm crops and aquatic ecosystems. See
ozone layer. Ozone is produced naturally in
the middle and upper stratosphere through dissociation of molecular oxygen by sunlight. In
the absence of chemical species produced by human activity, a number of competing chemical
reactions among naturally occurring species--primarily atomic oxygen, molecular oxygen,
and oxides of hydrogen and nitrogen--maintains the proper ozone balance. In the
present-day stratosphere, this natural balance has been altered, particularly by the
introduction of man-made chlorofluorocarbons. If the ozone decreases, the ultraviolet
radiation at the Earth's surface will increase. See greenhouse gas.
Tropospheric ozone is a by-product of the photochemical
(light-induced) processes associated with air pollution. Ozone in the troposphere
can damage plants and humans.
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ozone hole
A large area of intense stratospheric ozone
depletion over the Antarctic continent that typically occurs annually between late August
and early October, and generally ends in mid-November. This severe ozone thinning has
increased conspicuously since the late seventies and early eighties. This phenomenon is
the result of chemical mechanisms initiated by man-made chlorofluorocarbons (see CFCs).
Continued buildup of CFCs is expected to lead to additional ozone loss worldwide.
The thinning is focused in the Antarctic because of particular
meteorological conditions there. During Austral spring (September and October in the
Southern Hemisphere) a belt of stratospheric winds encircles Antarctica essentially
isolating the cold stratospheric air there from the warmer air of the middle latitudes.
The frigid air permits the formation of ice clouds that facilitate chemical interactions
among nitrogen, hydrogen, and chlorine (elevated from CFCs) atoms, the end product of
which is the destruction of ozone.
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ozone layer
The layer of ozone that begins approximately 15
km above Earth and thins to an almost negligible amount at about 50 km, shields the Earth
from harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. The highest natural concentration of
ozone (approximately 10 parts per million by volume) occurs in the stratosphere at
approximately 25 km above Earth. The stratospheric ozone concentration changes throughout
the year as stratospheric circulation changes with the seasons. Natural events such as
volcanoes and solar flares can produce changes in ozone concentration, but man-made
changes are of the greatest concern. To Top |
ozone mini-hole(s)
Rapid, transient, polar-ozone depletion. These
depletions, which take place over a 50-kilometer squared area, are caused by weather
patterns in the upper troposphere. The decrease in ozone during a mini-hole event is
caused by transport, with no chemical depletion of ozone. However, the cold stratospheric
temperatures associated with weather systems can cause clouds to form that can lead to the
conversion of chlorine compound from inert to reactive forms. These chlorine compounds can
then produce longer-term ozone reductions after the mini-hole has passed. To Top
p |
The process by which green plants use light to
synthesize organic compounds from carbon dioxide and water. In the process oxygen and
water are released. Increased levels of carbon dioxide can increase net photosynthesis in
some plants. Plants create a very important reservoir for carbon dioxide.
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Strictly, too much of any substance in the
wrong place or at the wrong time is a pollutant. More specifically, atmospheric pollution
may be defined as the presence of substances in the atmosphere, resulting from man-made
activities or from natural processes that cause adverse effects to human health, property,
and the environment.
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q |
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r |
Energy transfer in the form of electromagnetic
waves or particles that release energy when absorbed by an object. To Top |
Giving off or capable of giving off radiant
energy in the form of particles or rays, as in alpha, beta, and gamma rays.
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rain forest
An evergreen woodland of the tropics
distinguished by a continuous leaf canopy and an average rainfall of about 100 inches per
year. Rain forests play an important role in the global environment. The Earth sustains
life because of critical balances and interactions among many factors. Were there not
processes at work that limit the effects of other essential processes, Earth would become
uninhabitable. Destruction of tropical rain forests reduces the amount of leaf area in the
tropics, and consequently the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed, causing increases in
levels of carbon dioxide and other atmospheric gases. It is estimated that cutting and
burning of tropical forests contributes about 20 percent of the carbon dioxide added to
the atmosphere each year. The World Resources Institute and the International Institute
for Environment and Development have reported that the world's tropical forests are being
destroyed at the rate of fifty-four acres per minute, or twenty-eight million acres lost
annually. Rain forest destruction also means the loss of a wide spectrum of biological
life, erosion of soil, and possible desertification.
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s |
The degree of salt in water. The rise in sea
level due to global warming would result in increased salinity of rivers, bays and
aquifers. This would affect drinking water, agriculture and wildlife.
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solar radiation
Energy received from the sun is solar
radiation. The energy comes in many forms, such as visible light (that which we can see
with our eyes). Other forms of radiation include radio waves, heat (infrared), ultraviolet
waves, and x-rays. These forms are categorized within the electromagnetic spectrum.
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The closest star to Earth (149,599,000 km away
on average). The sun dwarfs the other bodies in the solar system, representing
approximately 99.86 percent of all the mass in the solar system. One hundred and nine
Earths would be required to fit across the Sun's disk, its interior could hold over 1.3
million Earths. The source of the Sun's energy is the
nuclear reactions that occur in its core. There, at temperatures of 15 million degrees
Celsius (27 million degrees Fahrenheit) hydrogen atom nuclei, called protons, are fused
and become helium atom nuclei. The energy produced through fusion at the core moves
outward, first in the form of electromagnetic radiation called photons. Next, energy moves
upward in photon heated solar gas--this type of energy transport is called convection.
Convective motions within the solar interior generate magnetic fields that emerge at the
surface as sunspots and loops of hot gas called prominences. Most solar energy finally
escapes from a thin layer of the Sun's atmosphere called the photosphere--the part of the
Sun observable to the naked eye.
The sun appears to have been active for 4.6 billion years
and has enough fuel for another 5 billion years or so. At the end of its life, the Sun
will start to fuse helium into heavier elements and begin to swell up, ultimately growing
so large that it will swallow Earth. After a billion years as a 'red giant,' it will
suddenly collapse into a 'white dwarf.' It may take a trillion years to cool off
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t |
A measure of the energy in a substance. The
more heat energy in the substance, the higher the temperature. The Earth receives only one
two-billionth of the energy the sun produces. Much of the energy that hits the Earth is
reflected back into space. Most of the energy that isn't reflected is absorbed by the
Earth's surface. As the surface warms, it also warms the air above it.
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Local storm resulting from warm humid air
rising in an unstable environment. Air may start moving upward because of unequal surface
heating, the lifting of warm air along a frontal zone, or diverging upper-level winds
(these diverging winds draw air up beneath them). The scattered thunderstorms that develop
in the summer are called air-mass thunderstorms because they form in warm, maritime
tropical air masses away from other weather fronts. More violent severe thunderstorms form
in areas with a strong vertical wind shear that forces the updraft into the mature stage,
the most intense stage of the thunderstorm. Severe thunderstorms can produce large hail,
forceful winds, flash floods, and tornadoes. To Top |
A twisting, spinning funnel of low pressure
air. The most unpredictable weather event, tornadoes are created during powerful
thunderstorms. As a column of warm air rises, air rushes in at ground level and begins to
spin. If the storm gathers energy, a twisting, spinning funnel develops. Because of the
funnel's cloud and rain composition and the dust, soil, and debris it draws up, the funnel
appears blackish in color. The most energetic storms result in the funnel touching the
ground. In these tornadoes, the roaring winds in the funnel can reach 300 mph, the
strongest winds on Earth. Funnels usually travel at 20 to 40 mph, moving toward the
northeast. When tornadoes form over lakes or oceans they suck water into the funnel cloud
and are called waterspouts. To Top |
The process in plants by which water is taken
up by the roots and released as water vapor by the leaves. The term can also be applied to
the quantity of water thus dissipated. To Top |
The lower atmosphere, to a height of 8-15 km
above Earth, where temperature generally decreases with altitude, clouds form,
precipitation occurs, and convection currents are active. See atmosphere.
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tropospheric ozone (O3)
Ozone that is located in the troposphere and
plays a significant role in the greenhouse gas effect and urban smog. See Ozone for more
u |
ultraviolet radiation
The energy range just beyond the violet end of
the visible spectrum. Although ultraviolet radiation constitutes only about 5 percent of
the total energy emitted from the sun, it is the major energy source for the stratosphere
and mesosphere, playing a dominant role in both energy balance and chemical composition.
Most ultraviolet radiation is blocked by Earth's atmosphere, but some
solar ultraviolet penetrates and aids in plant photosynthesis and helps produce vitamin D
in humans. Too much ultraviolet radiation can burn the skin, cause skin cancer and
cataracts, and damage vegetation.
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Ultraviolet. See ultraviolet radiation. To Top
v |
vernal equinox
The beginning of spring in the Northern
Hemisphere. The time/day that the sun crosses the equatorial plane going from south to
Top |
A naturally occurring vent or fissure at the
Earth's surface through which erupt molten, solid, and gaseous materials. Volcanic
eruptions inject large quantities of dust, gas, and aerosols into the atmosphere. A major
component of volcanic clouds is sulfur dioxide, a strong absorber of ultraviolet
radiation. Chemical interactions between sulfur dioxide and water cause sulfuric acid
aerosols which can scatter some of the incident solar radiation back to space, thus
causing a global cooling effect. For example, Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted in
June 1991, and in the following year the global surface temperature was observed to
decrease by about 0.3 degrees C.
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w |
Atmospheric condition at any given time or
place. Compare with climate. To Top |
A natural motion of the air, especially a
noticeable current of air moving in the atmosphere parallel to the Earth's surface. Winds
are caused by unequal heating and cooling of the Earth and atmosphere due to absorbed,
incoming solar radiation and infrared radiation lost to space--as modified by such effects
as the Coriolis force, the condensation of water vapor, the formation of clouds, the
interaction of air masses and frontal systems, friction over land and water, etc.
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wind chill
The wind can reduce significantly the amount of
heat your body retains. The following wind chill chart does not take into account such
variables as type of clothing worn, amount of exposed flesh, and physical condition, all
of which would alter body heat.
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Animal plankton. Small herbivores that float or
drift near the surface of aquatic systems and that feed on plant plankton (phytoplankton
and nanoplankton). |
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NASA's Earth Observatory for freely sharing their educational

to Earth Issues Page
of Environmental, Ecology, Green Science Terms: Green
/ Earth Issues for Kids
Presented by Children of the Earth United, Green -
Environmental Education for Kids, Teachers and Families.
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